Our Initiatives

Three Key Initiatives

Our key initiatives were created based off the needs of the community we serve, the needs of our congregation, the needs of the people of the world. Each initiative tackles an element of the Gospel and proclaiming JESUS and doing HIS work in some way.

Our strategy has been to engage the community through community conversations and visiting places in the community that people congregate at. Through this engagement we have created 3 areas of focus to engage our community we are in and our church.


With the Pandemic and all of the social unrest from 2020 a food shortage was inevitable. Foundations Church stepped in a major way in order to play our part in being the hands and feet of Christ in the community. But we also realized that a lot more was needed. Since our ministry started in the street with feeding people and bringing the gospel it was only natural that we continued to do that. 

How It Will Get Done

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Food Drives

Partnership with other Shiloh Temple International Ministries and other local ministries and food shelters to become a food hub for our congregation and community by doing monthly food drives.


Community Events

Throwing community bbq’s and other community gatherings where all are invited to come eat and socialize and fellowship with one another


Feed The Homeless

Providing hot meals for the homeless during the cold months, bringing sandwiches and other food throughout the year.


Community Equity and Engagement

Community equity and engagement (C.E.E) program is designed to pin point the reasons for a lack of equity in the community. Then strategize ways we can engage the community and supporters to create more equity in the different communities we serve.

How It Will Get Done


Focusing on programs that create career opportunities and teach ownership instead of just job skills.

Our pilot program that we are kicking off in the fall of 2021 is our youth tech program through our Youth Empowerment Club (YEC). 

This program will focus on teaching Project Based Learning (PBL) skills to people ages 12-24. They will complete two computer courses in computer coding and software development with an introduction to AI at the end. Our partner Joshua Giowaya at Code 42 will help develop and teach  the curriculum.

Church members and community volunteers will mentor and come along side the participants. We are creating a program that is going to cultivate relationships while creating an evironment of respect and tap into the resiliency of the urban youth.

This work will be done by using our three R’s -

Relationship, Respect, Resiliency.

At the end of the course they will be on track to begin working within the tech industry or creating their own tech companies


Worship & Word

We believe one of the best ways to get a personal relationship with GOD is to through Worship and through HIS word. Our worship and a Word will focus on personal worship and communion with GOD as well as diving deeper into the WORD of GOD to gain a better relationship with GOD.

How It Will Be Done

Each week we choose a song and a Bible scripture to go with that song. We ask those who join us to spend time focusing on the song and the scripture over that 7 day period when they are alone and able to. This brings a different level of commitment to GOD when we dedicate our worship and our WORD daily.

…Of The Week

Matthew 11:28-30

Matthew 11:28-30 - nlt

28. Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

29. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

30. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”