Services are Sundays @ 11:00 AM

1 John 4:19 “We love because HE first loved us!”


Meet Our Pastors.

Jordan & Nisaa have been co-pastor's at the non-denominational Foundations Church since its inception in Minneapolis, MN in 2020.

They both have a heart after God and for people. It is this heart and passion for God and people that leads them in wanting to see lives transformed through Jesus Christ by having a relationship with Jesus. 

They have been married since 2014 and have 4 beautiful children. Naomi, Kezziah, Philip, and Kingston.

See Us In Action.

Our Story. Our Reason.

Everyone in this world has been lost or broken at one point and time in their life. That truth holds no different for  Jordan or Nisaa.  It was this truth that lead them to change the name of their original ministry they started in 2017 to Foundations Church in 2020. 

The reality that all have been lost or broken will never leave. It is a part of life. But through Foundations Church it is our hope and joy to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone in a way that they will feel the grace, love, compassion, and forgiveness of God through His Son in a relevant way that relates to today's atmosphere. We want to present the gospel and all its truths to anyone who is, has been, or will be one day lost or broken. They will know they have a home in JESUS and a family at Foundations Church.


2023 annual report

We want to thank anyone who helped make 2023 a successful year for the Gospel.





#GROWTH2024 • #GROWTH2024 • #GROWTH2024 • #GROWTH2024

Our #GROWTH2024 is a personal commitment that JESUS will grow in my life in 2024 in various numerous ways!

Key scripture 2Peter 3:18

Growth in relationships

2Peter 3:18

Growth in biblical wisdom

1Peter 2 :2-3

Growth in grace and knowledge

2Peter 3:18

Growth in marriage

Ephesians 5:21, Ecclesiastes 4:12

Growth in church

Psalm 92:12-14

Growth in finances

2 Corinthians 9:6-10

Growth in faith

Luke 17:5, Colossians 2:6-7

Growth in retention

Luke 8:15





#GROWTH2024 • #GROWTH2024 • #GROWTH2024 • #GROWTH2024



Foundations church #YOUMATTERCAMPAIGN focuses on community outreach that supplies immediate essential needs for the homeless and hungry

Key Initiatives

Our key initiatives were created based off the needs of the community we serve, the needs of our congregation, the needs of the people of the world.Each initiative tackles an element of the Gospel and proclaiming JESUS and doing HIS work in some way. Our strategy has been to engage the community through community conversations and visiting places in the community that people congregate at. Through this engagement we have created 3 areas of focus to engage our community in and our church.



We are going to focus a lot of our time on creating opportunities for people to not have to go hungry. This will be done in multiple ways from doing food drives, to bringing food to people, and having multiple community gatherings where all are invited.

Community Event

C.E.E Program

Community equity & engagement program seeks to pin point the reasons for a lack of equity in the community. Then strategize ways we can engage the community and supporters to create more equity in the different communities we serve.

Worship & A Word

Every Sunday we want to give GOD all the glory. We make worship and a word a priority in our services in the main sanctuary and in our children’s church.

Latest Message

Sermon 8-4-24!

Rejected to goodness!


Sermon Clips


Make a donation.

Any donation you give is sowing into fertile good ground and into good work's being done in the kingdom of GOD. Your gifts also sow good seed in your own life. We believe when you plant a seed in good ground it will produce. This is a process in the production. Thank you!  

Text giving: Text fc2020 to 1-888-364-4483 (or click donate link below)

Venmo: @foundationschurch2020

CashApp: $foundations20

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.

Proverbs 3:9-10